Healing Services
At Gifted Guided Healing we offer several healing services:
Gifted Guided Healing offers a series of healing services. Please read about which service may be right for you.
Medical Intuitive:
I will help you find the root cause of your problems.
Energy Work/Reiki:
What I consider the
Healing Touch.
Group Mediation:
A guided mediation session to help you with soul work.
Life Mapping:
A class to help you achieve your goals and stick to them.
Sound & Vibration:
A healing session using the practice of sound & vibration.
Chakra Class
An 8-week class details each Chakra and ends each week with a guided mediation to clear your energy.
Medical Intuitive
I am able to feel or see what is taking place in the human body that causes illness; whether it is physical or emotional. When I hear a client’s voice or hear their symptoms, I can feel the part of their body that is in trouble. I will know the cause of the problem and help you find answers to questions and guide you on the correct approach to heal. During the session, I will do energy work. During this time, my hands will have a vibration; the recipient will often feel vibration, heat or a magnetic pull. Each person will have his or her own experience. The work has a positive outcome and clients leave feeling at peace.
Sound and Vibration Healing
Have you ever heard of “good vibrations”? Or have you listened to music and noticed how your mood changes? All matter is in motion and has a vibration. By using sound and vibration healing together we can tap into different parts of your body allowing the vibration of sound to act and help your energy flow more freely. Sound brings you away from the thinking mind and into the body. Sound assists you; helping you go deeper into a relaxed meditation. This session is like adjusting or tuning an instrument. Music can help your body readjust to the proper frequency.
Guided Meditation
Come to find peace, decrease your stress, improve your sleep and find answers within yourself.
During these sessions, you will be guided to a place of calmness and peace. Once you are in a meditative state, I will guide you on a short visualization. This guidance will help you find answers to questions and help you connect to God in a place of love, and peace.
Pre-registration is required due to limited space
Chakra Class (also known as Meridians)
I teach an 8-week class that reviews the seven main Chakras, their functions, and description. A guided mediation at the end of each session is used to clear your energy. The flow of energy through the meridian pathways is as critical as the flow of blood. No energy = no life. Meridians affect every organ and every physiological system, including the immune, nervous, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, skeletal, muscular, and lymphatic systems. Learning how to balance these energies within your body will help your body, clear your mind, and your connection to God.
Essential Oils
I am a Young Living oils distributor. I can help you to learn and understand the ways to use essential oils to help your body and emotions heal.
Life Mapping (Goal Setting)
In this class you will acquire knowledge that will empower you to set and keep your goals. You will chart your growth, and be accountable to achieve your purpose in life. This is a class to track your monthly/life cycle; become more aware of yourself, your energy and your purpose. It will provide tools to assist you to stay on track and focused on choosing who you wish to become rather than becoming what others wish you to be.
Energy Work/ Reiki
The health of the human body and mind rely on stability in the energy fields around the body. If the energy is blocked or disturbed, someone may feel a corresponding illness or emotional unease. Heal the past and balance yourself in the present so your future can be aligned with Gods plan for you. The work I do can be compared with Reiki, Healing Hands, Pranic energy or Healing Touch.